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The Metropolitan museum of Art (MET) New York City, NY, USA
I recently had the privilege of exploring The MET a few weekends ago. It's absolutely one of my favorite museums in the world. It has an elaborate collection of world treasures, artifacts, and paintings.
I held off on visiting this park for a long time. I had driven through Baker and stopped to see the giant thermometer a few times on road trips between Vegas and Los Angeles. What inspired my visit was actually kind of funny. I was in a thrift store in Rexburg Idaho rummaging through the books and I noticed two souvenirs guidebooks. One of the guides was for Death Valley and the second for Scotty’s Castle which is actually inside the park as well. Scotty’s castle was really what sparked my interest. I should have checked up on things because during the pandemic many places reverted to reservations or closed entirely. It wasn’t covid that closed it but a massive flash flood a few years back. It’s supposed to open this summer. No biggy, I still enjoyed my visit. That morning I was stung by a scorpion so it sent my adrenaline into over drive! That’s the biggest highlight I’ll never forget. Here are some pictures as well as my dead scorpion!
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